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Improved communication and
Understanding across cultures

diversophy® is a game that uses scenarios to teach people how to interact well with different cultures. Building the skill called Cultural Competence.

Are your clients uncomfortable with current DEIB training programs?
Do they feel accused of making mistakes when interacting with people from different cultures?
Are they made to feel guilty by being accused of "unconscious bias"?
Is their language criticized or labelled as politically incorrect?
How much do they dare to share about who they are?
Our games create a safe space and invite people to listen and learn from the stories of others. The exchange of stories is a neurologically sound way of connecting with people, creating empathy, understanding, inspiration and collaboration.

Why is diversophy® effective

Maximize Retention and Engagement

Experiential learning, like sharing stories about cultural experiences, engages the brain effectively and improves understanding and retention. Stories make the learning memorable, ensuring that players will not forget what they learn.
Sample Guide CC EN 1020.png
Sample choice CC EN 0003.png

Empathy and human connection

Players of diversophy experience 'Aha!' moments that build trust and openness among participants. This safe environment boosts self-esteem, making players feel more accomplished. The game turns sharing stories into stronger relationships, making communication across cultures easier.

Discuss sensitive cultural conflicts

The game engages players emotionally in a safe, game-based setting. By drawing on the diverse experiences and opinions of participants, it makes the learning process more engaging and effective. Facilitators guide this process to develop important skills like understanding silence, self-reflection, and acknowledging different perspectives. The game encourages teamwork and shared responsibility, making it an effective tool for discussing sensitive topics.
Sample Risk CC EN 2001.png

What do people say about diversophy?

"A game format isn't threatening for the learners," she says, "and when people are involved, they get more out of it than if they're just listening to a lecturer or a video. I've found that using a game format to address the topic in a fun and non-threatening way significantly reduces the chance of discomfort. Playing games has helped me break the ice within my group and get the conversation started on sensitive subjects".

Cheryl Heggemeier, HR regional manager for Silver Spring

"Over the past year and a half I have had the opportunity to both research my background and explore my daily experience abroad in a project to create diversophy® Estonia. This is a learning game, part of a series of intercultural tools on how to work and socialize successfully with others, in this case with Estonians like myself. It was a way of telling others about me and asking them about how we differ. It was scary—was I getting it right? It was satisfying—I was learning and sharing".

Katrin Volt,  Language Teacher

"The idea of inviting George Simons International and the diversophy® game approach into the project enables us to have an effective training tool in a card-based game format. The diversophy® series of training games has been available in various contexts, and is designed to enhance cultural competence through acquisition of cultural knowledge, understanding, and interaction with others. diversophy® games allow participants to communicate and share thoughts and opinions about other's cultures in a safe environment. Playing a serious game is certainly fun, but it is also a rich learning process".

Nghi Dang, Marketing Coordinator & Interculturalist

What's more?

  1. diversophy® should not be mistaken for just another quiz about culture. It offers multiple entry points into the individual and cultural identities and experiences of the players.

  2. Participant interactivity creates understanding and strengthens connections between diverse players of the game, aiding acculturation in daily living as well as collaboration in work and other activities.

  3. Though the stand-alone impact of the game is significant, diversophy® is compatible with many kinds of intercultural and diversity training to help people the theory obtained in trainings courses put into practical knowledge.

  4. The games are accessible in many different languages, making them a valuable tool for diverse groups and international audiences. We can make new translations of existing games at your request.

  5. diversophy® games are created by professionals, usually in teams, having strong, practical, hands-on experience with the theme and subject matter of each game.

  6. Games can be customized from combining existing games as well as consulting our massive data base to best achieve the learning objectives of the situation in which they are used.

  7. Cultural content is regularly examined for its accuracy up-to-date relevance.

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